熱烈恭賀陳建強再次榮獲2020世界華人保險500強團隊桂冠獎,這是他繼2016年後第4次榮獲該獎項。CIA500 是全球保險營銷團隊世界級的品牌榮譽。團隊長或領導人是整個團隊的靈魂。俗語有雲:強將手下無弱兵。反過來若領軍人不強,那如何能培育出強、精、專的業務團隊呢?CIA500 的審核標準是以引導華人壽險行業以做大、做強、做精的發展為理念,從這壹理念出發,CIA500執行委員會分別以 “組織人力”、“績優人力占比”、“13個月保單件數繼續率” 三大指標為核心進行審核要求。 CIA500 正是秉著這共榮共進共好的使命,提供壹個合適的平臺讓全世界的頂尖華人業務團隊領軍人互相交流、學習及鼓勵,只有不斷提升團隊領導人的素養、格局、視野、知識和技巧才能更好的創造高專業、高素質的從業人員及營銷團隊,方便更好的服務大眾及提高整個行業的行格。通過CIA500,能更好的維護及引領面對面營銷這個至關重要的方式。因此CIA500 已不存粹是壹個獎項,壹個高峰會,而是擁有更宏大的意義及使命的壹個平臺。
Congratulations to Derick Tan for winning the 2020 World Chinese Insurance Top 500 Team Laureate Award again. This is the fourth time he has won the award after 2016. CIA500 is the world-class brand honor of the global insurance marketing team. The team leader is the soul of the entire team. As the saying goes: There are no weak soldiers under strong generals. Conversely, if the leader is not strong, how can we cultivate a strong, sophisticated, and dedicated business team? The CIA500’s standards are based on the concept of guiding the Chinese life insurance industry to grow bigger, stronger, and more sophisticated. Starting from this concept, the CIA500 Executive Committee is based on “organizational manpower”, “proportion of outstanding manpower”, and “13 months policy persistency ratio “ which are the three core audit requirements. CIA500 is adhering to this mission of co-prosperity, progress and mutual benefit. It provides a platform for leaders of the top Chinese business teams around the world to communicate, learn and encourage each other. Only by continuously improving the quality, structure, vision, Knowledge and skills can better create highly professional, high-quality practitioners and marketing teams, facilitate better service to the public and improve the behavior of the entire industry. Through CIA500, we can better maintain and lead the vital way of face-to-face marketing. Therefore, CIA500 is no longer an award, a summit, but a platform with a greater meaning and mission.
In addition, the advisers from Harveston Financial Group also won the 2020 World Chinese Insurance International Dragon Award. IDA(International Dragon Award) is a mark of exemplary performance and the highest standards of ethics, conduct and knowledge of Financial Services Professional to serve the public. During the IDA Annual Meeting, members from the elites of the insurance and financial services industries worldwide bring together joyfully, they learn, share and exchange their experience and information sincerely, which to make the members understand in depth, improve the productivity, and lead to the higher achievement in their career. Through contacting and communicating with the global elites, the IDA members can build up the lasting friendship each other, which encourage and grow up mutually within both at work and life.
To learn more, welcome to contact us at 010-209 3299 or whatsapp https://wa.me/60102093299 or pm us https://harveston.com.my/contact-us