At the Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace Summit 2019 on Nov 15, leading life and health insurance provider AIA Bhd named 15 companies as winners of its annual Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace by AIA Vitality awards, recognising their respective efforts in promoting workplace health and creating a healthy environment for their employees.
Winners were identified based on the Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace 2019 survey in which these companies participated. Carried out by AIA in partnership with RAND Europe and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, this comprehensive science-backed study polled a total of 230 companies of small, medium and large sizes located in urban areas across Malaysia and 17,595 employees to gather insights on workplace health and wellbeing.

The Healthiest Workplace Survey by AIA Vitality provides an overview of employees’ health and wellbeing profile which gives employers insights to identify and carry out effective interventions to improve the health of their workforce and to help their organisations to be more productive. For employers, participating in the survey will enable you to receive a comprehensive Organisational Health Report, which will provide you with a holistic view of your employees’ health and well-being so that effective interventions can be identified to help organisations to be more productive. For employees who complete the survey, they will immediately receive a personal health report outlining their AIA Vitality age, key lifestyle and health risks as well as suggestions for improvements.

Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye, who was present at the Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace Summit 2019 today where the survey was revealed, said the responsibility of driving Malaysia towards a nation of healthy individuals continues to be at the top of the agenda for the Health ministry as the nation faces sobering statistics on the state of its health – both mentally and physically. The success of a nation is dependent on the health of its people and initiatives such as the Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace survey become increasingly crucial as more and more Malaysians enter the workforce every year. He is happy to see even more organisations participating in this survey and contributing to this important discussion.
One of the biggest revelations by the survey is the growing culture of overworking within organisations in Malaysia, which is attributed to several factors across the spectrum of mental well-being, clinical health, work environment and sleep. The 2019 survey findings revealed that mental health problems continue to be on the rise with 22% of employees reporting that they had a lot of financial concerns at present. Additionally, 20% of employees continue to be affected by workplace bullying which overall contributed to their stress at work. Long hours at the office hunching over computers have also contributed to the culture of overworking, manifesting in clinical health conditions and sleep deprivation. The survey highlighted that 84% of employees reported at least one or more musculoskeletal conditions while more than half of the respondents indicated that they had less than seven hours of sleep every day with 14% noting that they had poor or very poor quality sleep.
It’s our honour to be the First independent financial advisory firm to be awarded the Most Improved Workplace 2019 under Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace by AIA Vitality. We strive to provide a healthy workplace to our employees and financial advisers in order to serve our clients better.
To find out more, please contact us at 010 209 3299 or drop your message at
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