Many people don’t know whether they have any insurance, what insurance they have bought, have they bought the right insurance, or have they bought enough insurance?
这个情况其实很普遍,我们常常遇到客户拿了一堆的信或者保单给我们,然后想要了解他们的保单保障是否达到了他们的需求和需要。为什么会出现这样的情况呢?是因为他们在过去并没有真正了解他们自生的保障需求和需要是什么,或者身边家人朋友因为健康亮红灯出现了一些财务状况而自己开始感到担忧,又或者肩上的责任变多了,需要专业独立的理财规划师给予意见。不用担心,现在你可以上网查询你的保单了!只要注册和登入,就可以看到你有什么保单和保单详情。以下是各家保险公司的客户网上账户网站,只需点一点照片就可以进入了。找到了你的保单后,可能你还是不懂的如何解读你的保单内容,那么让我们帮帮你吧!豐騰理財機構是国家银行认证的理财顾问机构(IFA),所以以下的保险公司都是我们的生意伙伴,而我们的责任就是了解客户的需求和需要,拟定合适的方案,然后代表客户去选择合适的产品。所以我们一路以来都是客户心目中首选的财富管家。想要了解更多,请咨询你的豐騰理财顾问或者我们的客户服务 010-209 3299 或者whatsapp https://wa.me/60102093299
This situation is actually very common. We often receive customers engagement who give us a bunch of letters or insurance policies, and then want to know whether their insurance policies meet their needs and wants. Why is there such a situation? It’s because they didn’t really understand their needs and wants in the past, or they start worry about when their family and friends facing financial issue when their health condition got issue, or they have more responsiblity for financial dependents hence they need professional and independent advice in term of their wealth protection. Don’t worry, now you can search for your insurance policy online! Just register and log in, you can see what policy and policy details you have. The following are the customer online account websites of various insurance companies. After finding your insurance policy, maybe you will still do not understand your policy content then let’s help you! Harveston Financial Group is a Approved Financial Adviser By Bank Negara Malaysia so the following insurance companies are all our business partners, and our responsibility is to understand the needs and wants of customers, draw up suitable plans, and then select suitable products on behalf of the customers. So we have always been the preferred wealth management adviser in the minds of our clients. To learn more, please consult your Harveston financial advisor or our customer support team at 010-209 3299 or whatsapp https://wa.me/60102093299